A unique opportunity to immerse oneself in languages and cultures from all the world
The heart of the event is the Multifunctional Centre ‘Lou Pourtoun’ in the hamlet of Miribrart, in Ostana.
If you decide to come and spend the days dedicated to the Ostana Prize with us, please know that the Chambra d’Òc is available to help you in the logistical search for accommodation and in solving any logistical transportation issues. Your stay in Ostana can be an opportunity for a cultural vacation, and you can take advantage to visit the Occitan valleys, to embark on a beautiful climb to Monviso mountain, or to explore undiscovered places in Italy.
I am waiting for you and I promise you that the programme of the Ostana Prize 2024 will not disappoint you. I am sure that you too can participate with passion and involvement, bringing with you your experiences, your humanity and your friendship. ‘En convivéncia’ (cohabitating in harmony together) is the word that has always accompanied the Ostana Prize, and never as this year has this word been so current.