h. 2:45 PM
About poetry and art: the languages of Tuareg resistance
Conversation with
Hawad, Special Prize
Curated by: Valentina Musmeci
Language: Tamajaght
Poet and painter from the Sahara Desert, Hawad is an Amajagh (Tuareg).
His original manuscripts are in the Tamajaght language written in Tifinagh, Tuareg alphabet. To create a form of nomadism far from a time and a space confiscated, Hawad invented what he calls “Furigraphy.” “Furigraphing” gives him the impetus to blend different fragments of reality, shaping another imaginary space able to give meaning to the world and create new ways of weaving the present. Hawad’s prolific writings have been translated into French and other languages (Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Catalan, Kurdish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, English).
His work stood out for the Argana International Poetry Award 2017 (Rabat, Morocco), and his inks and canvases have been exhibited in cities across different continents (Europe, America, and Africa).
Motivation for Special Prize
Hawad receives the Special Prize 2023 for his commitment and determination to extend, in all its richness, the use of his language, Tamajaght (Tuareg), and his original alphabet, Tifinagh, with the purpose of resonate his culture beyond borders. Through his abundant literature and artistic production, Hawad promotes dissemination of the original texts created (bilingual editions, CD recordings, videos, public readings, interviews) and sets himself apart for his work in defending a nomadic perspective in safeguarding the rights of his people.
The Ostana Prize celebrates the international support received
from the UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages, and from two reference institutions in the linguistic field: the ELEN network (European Language Equality Network) and the NPLD network (Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity).