after the inauguration at 16h
Female writing and worldview: from medieval “fin’amor” to contemporary Occitan literature
Michèle Stenta, Occitan Language Prize
by Gisèle Naconaski
Occitan language
His teaching career at National Education is all devoted to Occitan (creating courses, teaching and designing pedagogical material at secondary, high school and university).
Meanwhile, she engages in “cultural activism” within the Institut d’Estudis Occitans (organizing internships and performances).
She has published in the medieval sphere (literature, society)*, ensured the conception of concerts on troubadours and troubadresses, putting in voice for great texts of the Middle Ages (Flamenca, la Cançon), gives lectures. She has also published on contemporary literature**.
She wrote:
Negrelum, L’Aucèu libre 2019, bilingual edition
Eu, L’Aucèu libre 2021, bilingual edition
Fin’Amors Triptic… e mai, IEO Eraut 2022
Cronica de quauques jorns ordinaris, L’Aucèu libre 2023, bilingual edition
Sextine pour le pays d’oc, Collective work, upcoming publication 2024
* Ventadorn, un chastel, tres trobadors, CDDP de la Corrèze, 1989
L’Europe des trobadors, CDDP de la Corrèze diffusion CNDP, 1993
Les Valeurs de la société de Cortesia, Lo Chamin de sent Jaume, 2011
Largueza, un art du don dans l’Occitanie médiévale, CRDP de Montpellier, 2011
Femnas e dòmnas Occitanes des XIIème et XIIIème siècles, Lo Chamin de sent Jaume, 2012
Bernart de Ventadorn, poète de l’amour, L’Esperluette, 2012
La Controvèrsia de Puègnautièr, co-authorMiquèl Decòr, European project Tertrob, 2014
Paratge e Vilania, étude sur deux notions médiévales occitanes, IEO-Aude, 2023
**Roger Ténèze, Òbra completa, pròsa e poësia (text editing, critical edition), Les Monédières, 1985
Marcela Delpastre, una cosmologia del vivent, rivista Lenga e país d’òc, CRDP Montpellier, 2012
Marcelle Delpastre, à fleur de l’âme, Vent Terral, 2016
Award motivation
In her 50-year career, Michèle Stenta presents thought that navigates between the contemporary and the historical. As Occitan’s teacher, she’s responsible for the transmission and love of the language to many people. As a researcher, she has conducted prolific research on the “trobar” tradition, the values of courtly society before the Crusade against the Albigensians, and the position and life of women in the 12th, 13th, and 21st centuries.
As president of Ceucle Occitan Setòri, she carries out dynamic revival work with the association’s volunteers. Recently she has turned to prose. Stenta’s pen is caustic, direct, merciless and more Occitan than ever. In view of the general interest in the indigenous issue and the lack of promotion of productions, presenting Michèle Stenta in a unique and intercontinental event such as the Ostana Prize becomes not only important, but necessary, essential.
The Ostana Prize celebrates the international support received
from the UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages, and from two reference institutions in the linguistic field: the ELEN network (European Language Equality Network) and the NPLD network (Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity).